
Dexxter, accounting software for small entrepreneurs, has been on the market since previous summer (2021) and has now reached the mark of the first 1,000 trial accounts.

Ex-student entrepreneurs Stan De Pauw and Robbe Claessens noticed that students had difficulty finding an accountant who was willing and able to help them and who was affordable. Ex-accountant Giel Thomas observed the same thing in his former bookkeeping firm: more and more small entrepreneurs with sole proprietors, but too few bookkeeping staff and often too low a turnover to pay the bookkeeping costs.

Dexxter as accounting software

The trio therefore started the accounting programme Dexxter. In this accounting software, sole proprietors are okay for a whole year of accounting for €15/month. Meanwhile, more than 1,000 entrepreneurs made an account and 50% of them also switched to a paying subscription. Entrepreneurs can test Dexxter for a month free of charge and there are weekly free webinars with more info. A lot of accountants are also showing interest, who can now continue to help small customers via Dexxter anyway.

In the beginning it was a bit of a search to reach the right people,‘ says co-founder Stan,’ but lately we feel like we’ve really taken off. April was an absolute top month with 200 new users.

The social trend is also good, a phenomenon that has come over from the Netherlands, among others. As Made-in Mechelen rightly points out: in the Netherlands, 41.1% of sole proprietors already do the bookkeeping themselves, but in Belgium many do not yet know that this is possible at all.

The trio appropriately celebrated this milestone with a bottle of champagne, but is it also allowed in the accounts? You can find the answer on their blog, as well as many other accounting tips & tricks!

What else does Dexxter have to offer?

A lot, for instance, the Dexxter community is a solid module in the accounting software. The community is place where Dexxter users can ask questions and get answers. The nice thing is that this community is shielded in the accounting package itself, allowing small business owners – and only small business owners – to ask their questions and get answers there.

This makes you immediately feel as a sole proprietor that the community is tailor-made for you. As an ideal platform to learn from more experienced entrepreneurs who share their answers there.

The community is part of the functionalities you can discover during the first 30 days free trial.

In addition, Dexxter is also launching quick courses tailored to small business owners. The courses are divided between sole proprietors subject to VAT & sole proprietors exempted from VAT. Ideal to pick up a lot of tips & tricks as a (starting) entrepreneur. Partly aimed at using the accounting software, but the focus is mainly on the (accessible) theory surrounding bookkeeping.

The future from Dexxter

Keep working hard on the accounting programme, so that in the term every sole proprietor in Belgium can experience the ease of use of Dexxter. Dexxter is convinced that every sole proprietor in Belgium can benefit from taking (part of) the accounting into their own hands.

More insight into your figures, more in touch with the financial impact of each decision and building up accounting & financial knowledge are just some of the benefits of accounting software Dexxter.

On the one hand, too many people still think that keeping your own accounts is not allowed, which is obviously not true. Everyone has always the right to do their own bookkeeping and file all related tax declarations themselves.

In addition, for many entrepreneurs the complexity seems to be an obstacle to doing their own bookkeeping. This is why Dexxter focuses 100% on the bookkeeping of sole proprietors, or in other words, simple bookkeeping. Single-entry bookkeeping is easy!

It is important that various parties like Accoutancy Today also spread this message further. From booking purchase invoices to filing your own vAT declarations, with Dexxter you don’t need any accounting knowledge.

We are taking bigger and bigger steps to make the process of doing your own accounting as user-friendly as possible. It should become natural to take control of your sole proprietors‘ accounting yourself through an accounting programme’ says Giel Thomas, co-founder of Dexxter.

To accelerate these steps, Dexxter has raised additional financial resources through an investment round via the OECO group. These financial resources will allow them to call on the expertise of Raccoons, among others, where building future-proof products is in their blood.

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