Hét boekhoudplatform voor Belgische eenmanszaken 🇧🇪

Insight into the figures of your business at any time

Always see at a glance what your income, expenses and deadlines are.

💳   no bank details needed

Pijl 1 - geel
Inkomsten uitgaven per maand EN


"Dexxter is definitely a must. The program is clear and at any time you can consult figures. In short, a winner."


"Even a layperson can do their own bookkeeping with Dexxter. Great tool!”


"Amazing platform, very clear! Surely recommended for starting sole proprietorships."

Average of 4.9 / 5 on Google

Constant overview

Convenient overview of your key figures

Handig overzicht van je belangrijkste cijfers EN
Mis geen enkele deadline voor belastingen btw EN

Timeline with all tax deadlines

You will automatically receive reminders by email and/or notifications in Dexxter. So you can rest assured!

Gedetailleerde resultatenrekening EN

Detailed income statement

Are the above reports not enough for you?
You can find a detailed overview via your income statement,
for example to take to a bank or adviser.


Frequently Asked Questions

We will send you an email as soon as you can file certain returns. After that, you will receive two reminders until the actual deadline.

  • Overview of income and expenses
  • Overview of outstanding invoices
  • Income statement
  • Diaries
  • Taxes to be paid

A better grip on your business's figures?

Always see at a glance what your income, expenses and deadlines are.

Pijl 1 - geel

Get it all in 1 platform  ⚒️

The accounting platform for all sole proprietors

Everything you need to do your own accounting as a sole proprietor at your fingertips. No accountant needed, but it can also be done with an accountant. Errors are corrected automatically. You can rest assured that everything is 100% in order.

Invoices & quotes

Send them in a few clicks via convenient templates.

Managing expenses

All your expenses always entered correctly. Photos of receipts via the app.


Get your tax declarations in order automatically. File them in up to 3 minutes.

Insights at a glance

Always get a grip on your figures. Never miss any deadline thanks to your personal timeline.

Ask your questions

Ask all your questions to our great community.

4,9 / 5 ⭐ on Google

Already 6.000+ Belgian sole proprietors trust us.

You don’t have to believe us. Rather, believe what other Belgian entrepreneurs have to say about Dexxter.
