Accounting app Dexxter is Antwerp’s ‘Promising SME of the year’

Accounting app Dexxter is Antwerp's ‘Promising SME of the year’

On Wednesday 09 November, Unizo Antwerp presented the ‘SME of the year’ and ‘Promising SME of the year’ prices. In a well-filled Plein Publiek hall, accounting application Dexxter received the ‘Promising SME trophy from Carl Van Dyck, director of Unizo Antwerp.

Other finalists were Comax, which makes software for efficient administration, and E-bis, distributor of second-hand electric lease bikes.
The fast-growing and innovative Fietsen De Geus may call itself ‘SME of the year’. They were named in the final against construction company Beneens and Talenco, which provides tailor-made industrial solutions.

Dexxter: ‘A year and a half ago, with a small heart, we launched a package in which sole proprietors could do their own bookkeeping in a comprehensible and affordable way. It’s super to see that Unizo and the jury (consisting of KBC, Liantis, SBB, PMV, Arcas Law, The Ecological Entrepreneur, PFL Audio & Sound and Teker Group ) also recognise that Dexxter is a good solution in this changing entrepreneurial and accounting climate.’

In honour of this award, we had a journalist from GVA and MadeIn on the floor.

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Begrijpbaar en betaalbaar zélf boekhouden

Zelf boekhouden hoeft niet moeilijk te zijn. Op voorwaarde dat je alle tools aangereikt krijgt. Met Dexxter krijg je alles in 1 platform.

Hét boekhoudplatform voor Belgische eenmanszaken

Alles wat je nodig hebt om als eenmanszaak je boekhouding zelf te doen binnen handbereik. Geen boekhouder nodig dus, maar het kan ook met boekhouder.