Start-up Dexxter raises €450,000 to make ‘self-booking’ simple

Start-up Dexxter raises €450,000 to make ‘self-booking’ simple

Dexxter is an accounting programme that allows sole proprietors to do their own accounting easily and cheaply. After just under a year, the start-up saw its product-market fit confirmed, which attracted the attention of several investors. Through OECO Group and WinWinner, the start-up managed to raise €450,000 to further expand the draft of ‘self bookkeeping’.

Currently, the accounting programme is only available for sole practitioners and student entrepreneurs, but soon it will also be available to main practitioners with sole proprietors. Self-accounting is a perfect option for everyone with sole proprietors. In addition, Dexxter plans to offer the application in French and english as well, and many additional features will follow.

Self-accounting: From capital importance

A shortage of accountants and an increase in start-ups are threatening to leave many entrepreneurs out in the cold. Sole proprietors in particular find it increasingly difficult to find a bookkeeper, precisely the target group for which the complexity of ‘self bookkeeping’ is very low. Thanks to Dexxter, it is very easy to start a business and later, when it becomes opportune to establish a company, to go to a bookkeeper.

Dexxter just celebrated its first birthday and now wants to push the accelerator further.
Finding sufficient capital is one thing, but the entrepreneurs were especially looking for ‘smart capital’. This was found with the OECO Group, a network of IT companies that wants to stimulate entrepreneurship.

Sam Bambust, co-founder OECO group: ‘It fits into OECO’s philosophy to offer young entrepreneurs with potential like Giel, Robbe and Stan the opportunity to grow. From OECO we give
Dexxter not only a financial boost, but we also guide them in building their company with ‘smart capital’.

‘Indeed, through the extensive OECO ecosystem, they have access to all the necessary expertise to bring a state-of-the-art product to the market. In doing so, we offer them not only technical know-how, but also business, leadership and soft skills in support.’

Giel Thomas, co-founder Dexxter: ‘We had already engaged IT consultants from OECO to help build Dexxter for some time. That cooperation went very well and at some point OECO got wind of our plans to attract external capital. The rest is now history.
For us, it was essential to be able to retain our autonomy and be able to shape our plans regarding ‘self-bookkeeping’ in all freedom. OECO was willing to go along with this, so they were the ideal partner. With their many specialised companies, we can get the best expertise for every aspect of our product.’

In addition to the investment from OECO, Dexxter also organised a public funding round through the crowdlending platform WinWinner, a capital round was also done through the crowdlending platform
WinWinner. More than 70 private persons thus lent a hand to the ambitious project.

Matthias Browaeys, founder and CEO of WinWinner: ‘With its product, Dexxter makes the work of start-up entrepreneurs easier. As a platform on which companies can raise loans to finance their growth plans, we can only applaud that. So it was nice to see that Dexxter’s campaign was popular on our platform. Bringing in over 70 private investors, it must undoubtedly give the guys from Dexxter a huge boost.’

A whole year of accounting okay for €180
Sole proprietors keen to experience for themselves how easy self-accounting can be can try one month free at After that, you pay €180 to be okay with accounting for a whole year. Thanks to the extensive learning centre, the Dexxter community, and support, even entrepreneurs without an accounting background can easily find their way there.

Self-accounting & the start-up Dexxter

This accounting app promises to sole proprietors that they will be fully accounting okay for just €180/year. The concept of ‘self accounting’ is new, but it requires no accounting knowledge at all to easily find your way around and fully understandyour figures. The accounting programme can be tested for a free month and free webinars are organised weekly.


The OECO Group was born in 2016 out of a passion for entrepreneurship. The OECO Group is primarily a network of talent with more than 800 passionate people spread across more than 60
companies. The ecosystem consists of a diverse group of entrepreneurs where new insights, in-depth knowledge and skills are at the core. The OECO Group ensures that every company becomes the best version of itself, it promises.


WinWinner is a crowdlending platform on which entrepreneurs can share their ambitious growth plans with their network. This way, they can search for ambassadors and get them to invest in their growth story.

Team Dexxter 1
From left to right: Robbe Claessens, Giel Thomas, Stan De Pauw

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