Starting secondary occupation, the conditions

Starting secondary occupation, the conditions

Do you also dream of entrepreneurship? But are you not yet ready to dedicate yourself full-time to your own business? Then starting as a self-employed in secondary occupation is a smart step! This flexible approach allows you to develop your entrepreneurial skills while still maintaining the stability of another income. In this article, we view the conditions for starting as self-employed in secondary occupation!

The conditions as a self-employed in secondary occupation

Before you start as self-employed in secondary occupation, it is best to meet one of the conditions below, otherwise there will be consequences. If you do not meet one of the conditions, don’t be sad, but then you have to start as self-employed in main occupation. Below is a summary:

  • Employee in main occupation

So you are already employed as an employee in main occupation, which means that you work a minimum of 50% as an employee for at least 235 hours quarterly. Additionally, you must also be registered as an employee on the first and last days of the month.

  • Sickness or invalidity benefit

You can start a secondary occupation if your work disability stems from at least 50% employment, with a benefit equal to the minimum pension of a single self-employed person.

  • Income replacement allowance

Persons on income replacement allowance (IVT) can join as self-employed in secondary occupation, provided they have limited income.

  • Unemployment benefit

If you are a benefit-eligible unemployed person, you have the option of starting a self-employed activity in secondary occupation at any time, specifically in the artistic sector.

  • Individual vocational training

Are you following individual vocational training with unemployment benefit? If you receive a productivity bonus or training allowance, you will automatically become self-employed in main occupation.

  • Pension

Pensioners are allowed to earn extra depending on age, professional career and pension type.

A more detailed summary of the tax obligations as a self-employed in secondary occupation can be found here.

Tips template 13

Tip: How do I start as self-employed in secondary occupation?

Once you meet the conditions, you need to start a sole proprietor or partnership. View the complete 10-step plan to make sure you do not miss any important steps!

How do you start as self-employed in secondary occupation?

In the video below we explain how you can get started quickly as a secondary occupation!

Conclusion: Finding a successful balance between secondary occupation and main occupation

Starting as self-employed in secondary occupation offers the opportunity to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams without immediately giving up your main income. By acknowledging the conditions, taking the right steps and continuing to develop yourself, you can build a successful and balanced business. Take advantage of the flexibility your secondary occupation offers and let j

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