How do I enter a loan for my sole proprietors?

How do I enter a loan for my sole proprietors

A loan always consists of two parts, namely;

1️⃣ The refund of the capital

2️⃣ The interest paid

The borrowed capital has no impact on your accounts. This is the case if you use that capital to make purchases. You can simply load those costs (or investments) into Dexxter via the purchase invoices of the goods or services purchased, and they will be automatically included in your accounts.

Tips template 20


Interest from the loan does have to be entered separately as an expense in your accounts.

How can you enter interest in Dexxter?

Simply as you enter any expenses in Dexxter. You can upload the bank statement showing the amount of interest. Optionally, you could also upload the repayment table, as this also shows the amount of monthly interest.

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Begrijpbaar en betaalbaar zélf boekhouden

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