Meal vouchers in a sole proprietorship

Meal vouchers in a sole proprietorship

Meal vouchers are a popular fringe benefit offered by employers to their employees. These (digital) checks are exempted from taxes, hence the popularity of this benefit.

Meal vouchers for the self-employed? 🍽️

But when it comes to the self-employed with a sole proprietorship, meal vouchers are not an option!

It is not legal for the self-employed in sole proprietorships to order meal vouchers for themselves. They are available to sole proprietorship employees, but not to the self-employed person!


  • Do you work in a corporation? Then meal vouchers are allowed for both the employees and the directors or executives of the company.
  • Do you work in a sole proprietorship? Then meal vouchers are possible for the employees of the sole proprietorship, but not for the self-employed person.

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