Can you put Spotify, Apple Music, … stopped in your accounts

Can you put Spotify, Apple Music, ... stopped in your accounts

Can you concentrate better with some music in the background? Does music bring out the creative during your self-employment assignments?

Fortunately, it is possible to bring in your subscriptions to music streaming services as an expense in your accounts. In contrast, bringing in your Netflix subscription will be more difficult, unless you have a professional reason for this too, of course.

Professional use vs Private use

Pay attention, because often with these expenses it is the case that you will use them both privately and professionally. In other words, your Spotify will be on during a cosy evening with family or friends, but just as easily when you’re finishing up some administration for your self-employed activities in the evening.

You should also declare such mixed use in your accounts via the professional use percentage. Difficult exercise to estimate the private/professional ratio for such expenses, but just try to make an honest estimate for yourself.

The number of days you spend on your self-employed activities on a weekly basis can serve as a rule of thumb to estimate professional use. If you spend an average of two days a week on your self-employed activity, then you arrive at 2/7 professional use %, which rounds up to 30%.

Is your Spotify subscription allowed in your accounts?

The next video gives you a detailed explanation.

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