How do you get started with your webshop & Dexxter?


Webshops often have an automatic invoicing system. A customer makes a purchase via your webshop and receives – automatically generated by the webshop – a sales invoice.
We explain here how to conveniently stop those invoices in your Dexxter accounts.

Uploading in Dexxter 📥

Via the module income > sales invoices > upload invoice, you can upload self-created sales invoices in Dexxter. You then link to them all the data we need for your accounting and everything sits neatly in Dexxter.

Daily receipts

If you sell a lot to private persons (not companies/self-employed people), you can choose to put your income into Dexxter via daily receipts. There you list the total revenue per day, referring to the webshop in the description. This is a bit less work, but you do have to keep the invoices from your webshop somewhere for when the tax authorities want more details about the sales.
Attention, only use the daily receipts for sales to private persons! For customers subject to VAT, you need to create/upload an invoice in Dexxter (see point 1).

A link between your webshop & Dexxter ♾️

Nothing is easier than when all sales invoices from your webshop are also fully automatic in your Dexxter accounts.
We are working hard to offer this application soon!

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Begrijpbaar en betaalbaar zélf boekhouden

Zelf boekhouden hoeft niet moeilijk te zijn. Op voorwaarde dat je alle tools aangereikt krijgt. Met Dexxter krijg je alles in 1 platform.

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