A lot of self-employed people receive periodic statements of income from their clients. Usually this is a monthly overview, on the basis of which the payment will follow.
In this form, also known as self-billing, it is the client who informs how much can be charged, with an accompanying overview of the services provided.
Practical example
As an example, we have an independent physiotherapist working for a physiotherapy practice. It is the practice that provides a monthly statement to the independent physiotherapist listing all patients treated.
The net amount paid also takes into account a commission charged by the physiotherapy practice. Thus, in our example, there remains 70% that is ultimately paid out by the practice to the independent physiotherapist. So the practice retains 30% as a fee in our example.
Processing in Dexxter 🙌
Save this statement in Dexxter as a sales invoice, which can be done through Income > Sales Invoices > Upload Invoice.
Then you can book that document and fill in all details such as date, customer, etc. As invoice amount you take the total amount, so you enter the full 100% as an income.
After that, based on the same document, you also enter a cost (purchase), which will be the 30% fee for the practice. For this, you can create a cost category under the main category “General expenses”, which you label “Practice commission”.
So first book 100% as income, then enter 30% as an expense, and you will end up with 70% profit. Which then equals what was actually paid out by the practice to you.
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