The 5 most common mistakes with invoices

The 5 most common mistakes with invoices
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Preparing invoices is not always obvious. Especially when you have to include so much required information correctly. That is why we list the most common mistakes, so you will definitely not make them again.

Forgetting to include information

An invoice states so much information that it is easy to overlook something. Does it state your vAT number? And the invoice number? To make sure you don’t forget anything, find out here how to write the perfect invoice in 10 steps.

Writing mistakes ✍️

You easily overlook them yourself, but your customers often notice them straight away: spelling mistakes. Especially if your customer name states a mistake. To make sure that everything is 100% clear to the tax authorities, it’s better to give your invoices a final check.

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With Dexxter, you can save information such as customer details, product descriptions and other information. This way, this information is always correctly stated on your invoices.

Moreover, Dexxter makes sure you include all the information and you cannot send the invoice before you have filled in everything.

Numbering your invoices🔢

As you probably already know, you need to number all your invoices. That numbering should also match the date. So there should not be a lower invoice number made on a later date than another invoice with an earlier date and a higher invoice number. So it’s better to keep a clear summary of all your invoices and their dates. Do you still make a mistake? Never update your existing invoices. You can solve this with a credit note.

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Dexxter automatically numbers your invoices and keeps a chronological summary. You shouldn’t have to worry about that.

Unclear information

Errors in writing and missing information make your invoice unclear, but vague descriptions are not a good idea either. Here, we are mainly talking about the description of your goods or services delivered. Just ‘delivery’ or ‘purchases of products’ is not enough. What products were purchased? Give a concise but clear description.

Counting errors 🧮

Especially if you list different services on your invoices, calculate a VAT rate or even work with different vAT rates, a calculation error is easy to make. Even if you have everything calculated automatically in Excel, it is a good idea to check everything again automatically. Especially when Excel does not recognise a number as an amount, mistakes happen.

We recommend using an accounting program. Then you can save fixed amounts, your tool calculates everything for you and immediately applies the correct vAT rate.

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