1 year of accounting software Dexxter!

1 year of accounting software Dexxter!

At the end of June 2021, we brought in our first paying sole proprietors using accounting software Dexxter. A blissful moment! A year later, it’s time to look back. To see from where we have come, where we are, and where we want to go. Take a look …

Early 2020 – White Labels will be launched …

… by Robbe and Stan. They want to match freelance student entrepreneurs with companies. The focus is mainly on creating websites and webshops.

To help students get started as self-employed students with sole proprietors, webinars are organised with Giel, White Labels’ accountant. Giel was unfortunately unable to help the students further after that because his office is facing staff shortages.

May 2020 – Giel calls Stan …

… questioning whether White Labels could create a simple accounting application in which student entrepreneurs and sole proprietors could do their own bookkeeping. Giel was getting more and more such start-up sole proprietors on the floor, but invariably had to turn them down.

July 2020 – The idea of an accounting programme for sole proprietors continues to mature …

… by talking to a lot of people about it. That way, we get the chance to pitch it to Acerta’s management. When they too see the potential for sole proprietors, we decide to make the idea more concrete. Robbe, who was then mostly making websites, starts spending more and more time drawing out the app.

August 2020 – The name of the Whatsapp group was christened Let’s App …

… and that would later also become the working title of the application. Meanwhile, we decided not to build the accounting app for Giel’s office, but to make it a standalone product and try to take it to the sole proprietors’ market. On 18/08/2020, we are at the notary to establish Let’s App BV.

September 2020 – The name Dexxter …

… comes up. But why the name Dexxter?

May 2021 – It’s Facebook official …

… as we launch our social media pages and website. There ‘s no way back!

June 2021 – First paying customer …

… shit is getting real!

August 2021 – Acerta picks us up …

on their website.
A little later, Stan also gets to tell our story on the Belgian Entrepreneur podcast.

January 2022 – Giel & Stan jump on board …

We notice that our customers with sole proprietors are positive and that there is music in them. Giel decides to sell his accounting firm and Stan stops freelance marketing activities. Let’s go!

April 2022 – We enter the boekskes …

… because we got a start-up loan from PMV/z.
Among others, Bloovi, Made In, Unizo and HLN picked us up.

June 2022 – Thank you …

… to everyone who has supported us. That includes various coaches, mentors, friends and family. But especially our customers from the first hour. They had the guts to entrust their accounts to a young start-up.

And that deserves respect.
And that gives energy.
The best is yet to come!

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Begrijpbaar en betaalbaar zélf boekhouden

Zelf boekhouden hoeft niet moeilijk te zijn. Op voorwaarde dat je alle tools aangereikt krijgt. Met Dexxter krijg je alles in 1 platform.

Hét boekhoudplatform voor Belgische eenmanszaken

Alles wat je nodig hebt om als eenmanszaak je boekhouding zelf te doen binnen handbereik. Geen boekhouder nodig dus, maar het kan ook met boekhouder.