When is a restaurant or café visit allowed in your accounts?

When is a restaurant or café visit allowed in your accounts
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You sometimes hear self-employed people say: ‘I went out to eat on the business’? Can the self-employed then just bring in all their restaurant costs? And what about pub visits?

Professional character

A restaurant cost is allowed in your accounts if the purpose of the meal in question was to maintain or increase the turnover of your business. So going out to dinner with customers, suppliers or staff is certainly allowed. A dinner with family is more difficult.

Because you never just talk about work all the time during such a dinner, restaurant costs are always 69% deductible.

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In Dexxter, the deductible percentage of restaurant costs is automatic!

How to prove. 📃

To prove this cost to the tax authorities, you need at least a vAT receipt. You can question that at checkout. However, an inspector can still be difficult, which is why it is useful to always mention who you went to dinner with and what was discussed. Playing it safe? Then also include a photo and any email traffic about the appointment.

Tournée generale?🥂

As a general rule, something must always be eaten in order to talk about a deductible professional expense. So you will never be able to deduct a round of paying at a café. What you can do is go for a coffee with a customer.

What about the vAT?

It is never deductible in this case. Don’t worry, this too is automatically set up correctly in Dexxter.

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