Are you a jobseeker looking to get started as self-employed in main occupation?
Good news, because if you meet an amount of conditions, the transition premium for the self-employed will help you take the step towards entrepreneurship.
Paying taxes on a transition premium 🔎
The transition premium is a professional income and is therefore also taxed as professional income.
As an example, you create a sales invoice to a customer worth 1,000 euros and then pay social security contributions and personal income tax on that 1,000 euros profit. At least if you show no expenses.
Well that is identical in terms of tax burden than getting a transition bonus worth the same 1,000 euros. You pay an identical amount of social security contributions and personal income tax in both cases. Of course, you still have the option to incur expenses and get rid of that 1,000 euros in profit or transition premium through expenses.
How can you declare a transition premium in Dexxter?
You can easily stop that transition premium in your Dexxter dossier via income & expenses. There you can add turnover to your dossier via manual input (top right in the income & expenses module).
You can choose the category ‘Income – sales invoices’ and enter the amount of the transition premium. For yourself, you can add an optional comment so that you remember later what this booking is about.
There is no vAT on the transition premium.

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