This way, you won’t miss a single tax deadline with Dexxter!

That way, you won't miss a single tax deadline with Dexxter!

Make sure Dexxter emails don’t end up in your spam! 📩

Exactly how you do this depends from which mail provider you use.


  1. Search your inbox for an email with as the sender .
  2. Drag this email to the ‘Primary’ tab
  3. Indicate that this should be done for all the next emails from


  1. Go to ‘Options’ via the cog icon at the top right
  2. Click on ‘Safe senders’ on the left-hand side under ‘Junk email
  3. Add filler


  1. Under ‘Home’, click on ‘Junk’ and then on ‘Junk Email options
  2. On the ‘Safe senders’ tab, click ‘Add
  3. Add

If your mail provider is not listed here or the steps are not entirely clear, Google is your best advisor. Do a quick search on ‘whitelisting e-mail address’ + your provider and you will find lots of articles and videos.

Tips template 26


Don’t miss a single tax deadline with the timeline in your Dexxter account

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