A nice perk of using service vouchers is the tax benefit you are entitled to. But how exactly does that work? And how much does this tax reduction amount to? Find out in this article!
The cost of a service voucher 💰
First, let’s look at the purchase price of a service voucher. For the first 400 cheques per year, you will be paid €9 each. Want to order more? No problem! From cheque 401 up to and including 500, you pay a tad more, namely 10 euros per cheque.
There is a slightly more generous arrangement for families . You can purchase up to 800 service cheques per year for 9 euros each. After that, you are also paid 10 euros per cheque, up to a maximum of 1,000 per year.
Entering service cheques as a professional expense?
For more information, view our article on service cheques and whether you can process them in your sole proprietors’ accounts.
Grab that tax advantage! 📉
For income year 2023, you get a 20% tax reduction on up to 1720 euros of purchased service vouchers per person. In 2024, this amounts to 20% on up to 1790 euros.
Are you married or legally living together and filing only one joint tax return? Then you are both entitled to this benefit, provided that when one partner reaches the maximum amount of services vouchers, the other partner purchases the other services vouchers in his name. This way, you can still make the most of this tax advantage!
Every year, Pluxee provides you with a tax certificate with a summary of your expenses on service cheques.📋
One exception: you will not receive a tax certificate for the 105 free service cheques in the context of maternity help. But not to worry, for all your other service vouchers, you are totally okay!
Dexxter, the accounting software for Belgian sole proprietors 💪
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