When to optimise social security contributions as self-employed?

When to optimise social security contributions as self-employed

There are several scenarios in which it may be appropriate to update your social security contributions. Here are some common situations:

1️⃣ Income increase: If you expect a significant increase in your income from three years ago, it may be wise to increase your contributions to avoid a large additional payment afterwards.

2️⃣ Income decrease: If you expect lower sales due to circumstances such as an economic crisis, illness or bankruptcy, you may want to reduce your contributions to protect your liquidity.

3️⃣ Starting self-employment: New starters pay a flat-rate minimum contribution. If you expect a higher income, you can optimise your contributions immediately.

By being alert to changes in your financial situation, you can proactively adjust your contributions and avoid unnecessary costs.

Optimise your social security contributions in the event of a change in your articles of association

Besides your financial situation, other changes in your professional status can also affect your social security contributions. Here are some common scenarios:

Regardless of the specific situation, it is important to inform your social insurance fund of changes in your statute. They can then guide you in optimising your contributions to your new situation.


Dexxter, the all-in-one accounting platform

With Dexxter, you know at a glance how much social security contributions you are best paid and when the tax deadline approaches for all your declarations!

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