Look up or check a vAT number

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Now what if you want to look up someone’s vAT type statute yourself? There are two perfect ways to do that:

1️⃣ VIES

The VIES platform is an online platform that allows you to quickly and easily check a vAT number at European level. You cannot do much more than validate whether the vAT number actually exists via that platform. The advantage, however, is that all vAT numbers are available, both Belgian and European.

2️⃣ Intervat

Intervat is the online portal of the Belgian vAT administration. Through this portal, as a subject to VAT, you will also have to submit your periodic vAT declarations.

So you can also look up Belgian vAT numbers via Intervat, but you get just a bit more information back. Namely, you can see whether a company is exempted from VAT or subject to VAT. To use this module, you need to log in to Intervat, which is a piece of cake.

We’re happy to show you in the video below:

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