Is clothing a deductible professional expense?

Is clothing a deductible professional expense
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An often asked question, ‘does my t-shirt, jumper, trousers or jacket have a place in accounting?’. In this article, you will find out which type of clothing is deductible and which do not belong in your accounts.

Specifically professional clothing👷

Clothing expenses don’t usually belong in your accounts unless they fall under the heading of ‘safety and professional clothing’.

These are special pieces that you wear while working, specifically tailored to your job, and cannot double as your evening or leisure wear. We’re talking about the overalls for garage mechanics and butchers, helmets and safety shoes for construction workers or the gown for a lawyer. So specifically! In addition, the clothing you use as a performer during an act is also a professional cost!

Not specifically professional clothing

But what about buying or renting chic tailored suits that you put on to greet your customers?

Unfortunately, these do not fall under the heading of ‘professional clothing’. Even if you wear them to make a good impression, the tax authorities still see them as something you can wear even outside your working hours. You are also at risk if you enter them partially in your accounts.

Clothing with company logo

Jackets and T-shirts printed with your company logo fall under publicity costs. So you can also bring these in as expenses. Make sure the logo is large and clearly displayed on the clothing.

The publicity must be sufficiently clear!

VAT deductibility of clothing

As is always the case, you can only deduct vAT for items that you can actually bring in as costs. So you cannot recover VAT on clothing that is not professional clothing or marketing expenses either.

Managing your expenses in Dexxter

Managing specifically professional clothing has never been easier than with the all-in-one accounting platform Dexxter!

Optimise your accounting and don’t forget any expenses. Put your receipts in Dexxter however you want (mail, app, PC). 🤝

Dexxter was created especially for Belgian sole proprietors, because we believe that bookkeeping doesn’t have to be difficult.

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