Deduct VAT on an expense while your vAT declaration is already filed?

Deduct VAT on an expense while your vAT declaration is already filed?

You have only now found a purchase invoice from a while back due to circumstances. Let us take as an example that you found an invoice from your supplier on 10 May, but that invoice has an invoice date of 15 February, some time back.

VAT deduction?

Meanwhile, you have obviously filed the vAT declaration for the first quarter, the one that therefore covered the months of January, February & March. So what do you do with an invoice with an invoice date of 15 February? You would obviously still like to have deductible VAT, but can you still deduct VAT on this purchase?

Fortunately, when it comes to purchases, this does not pose a problem. You can book the 15 February invoice into the second quarter and recover the deductible vAT via your second quarter VAT declaration.

Tips template 3


You also have that option very easily in Dexxter by updating the fiscal date to the second quarter.

For example, your invoice date remains 15 February, but for tax purposes you only include it in the second quarter, so the purchase also falls under the vAT declaration of the second quarter.

You can adjust the fiscal date in Dexxter in the second step while processing your purchases, under basic information.

Is the vAT deductible?

Conclusion, you can perfectly recover the vAT from that recovered invoice in the next vAT declaration to be submitted.

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