What types of car leasing are there and which do you choose as a self-employed person?

What types of car leasing are there and which do you choose as a self-employed person

Hey there, entrepreneur! Are you thinking about leasing a car for your company, but not sure which option suits you best? No worries, in this article we will go into the different types of car leasing and help you make the right choice that suits your business.

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Still in doubt about car leasing? Then be sure to view our article on the pros and cons of leasing for your sole proprietors!

1️⃣ Financial leasing

Let’s start with financial leasing. This is like the ‘I-want-to-be-owner’ option. With financial leasing, you rent a car for longer periods and at the end of the contract you have the option to buy the car for a predetermined residual value. It’s like borrowing the car with an option to keep it if you fall in love with it! 😉

2️⃣ Operating lease

Operating leasing is more like borrowing a car for a certain periods without worrying about ownership. You pay a fixed monthly amount and at the end of the contract you just hand in the keys. It’s perfect if you like variety and don’t want to feel tied to one car for a long time.

3️⃣ Shortlease

Imagine having the freedom to lease a car without long-term commitments. That’s where shortlease comes in! Shortlease allows you to lease a car for shorter periods, usually starting from one month. This is ideal for seasonal businesses or if you are just not sure how long you need a car. Flexibility at its best!

Which one should you choose? 🚗

Now that you have an idea of the different types of car leasing, the big question is: which one should you select? The answer depends on your specifically self-employed needs. Consider factors such as budget, flexibility and need for ownership when making your decision.

Hopefully, this article has helped you gain a better understanding of the world of car leasing as a self-employed person. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to send us a message via the learning center!

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Through Dexxter, you can process your car in accounting in just a few steps! Try out our accounting platform for sole proprietors through a free trial!

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