An unknown car in your accounts

An unknown car in your accounts

The extent to which a passenger car is allowed in your accounting always depends on the percentage of professional use and tax deductibility.

Dexxter automatically calculates the tax deductibility, but requires some data, such as:

  • fuel type;
  • CO2 emissions;
  • vehicle registration date;

If it’s your own car, those are obvious details you have no problem finding out, for example on the registration certificate.

But suppose you use a shared car for your self-employed activity. In such a case, it is not always possible to know all the correct data.

Can car expenses from an unknown car be included in accounting? 🚗

Yes, but these expenses are only 40% tax deductible.

How to enter this in Dexxter?

You create a new vehicle in Dexxter, to which you link the following elements:

  • Fuel type: diesel
  • Name: unknown car, or whatever name is easily recognizable to you
  • License plate: xxx-xxx
  • CO2: 999
  • Purchase date: 01-01-2024
  • Registration date: 01-01-2024

A passenger car with these settings automatically ensures that expenses you allocate to this vehicle have a tax deductibility of 40%.

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